Our Founding

Safari Spirit Adventures started as an idea between friends when we realized that together we make a stronger team. Individually, we have each been involved in East Africa’s wildlife conservation and tourism industry on different levels at different times. We have all held roles as educators and guides in various capacities, sometimes remaining in the industry full-time for extended periods, while other times taking breaks to pursue education abroad.

Our founding staff members have known each other for more than 22 years, after meeting when we were teenagers just getting started in East Africa’s wildlife conservation and tourism industry. We became actively involved as members of a conservation organization, taking part in everything from attending lectures at the National Museum of Kenya, removing illegal snares from protected wildlife areas, helping complete national bird and wildlife censuses, bird ringing and identification, and planting trees to combat deforestation. In the year 2000, we attended the CITES conference (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species) that took place at the United Nations Headquarters in Nairobi, Kenya where, as members of our conservation organization, we lobbied international delegates to vote for the protection of elephants and ban the international ivory trade.

Our shared passion for East Africa’s nature, wildlife, culture, and history brought us together regularly, and our friendship has lasted more than two decades.

Volunteer days at The David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust with Makosa, the orphaned baby rhino.


With my park ranger guide and children in Rwanda after completing a Gorilla Trek in Volcanoes National Park.


With a baby ostrich at The David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust.


Eight years old with Morani, the rhino, at Sweetwaters Game Reserve in Kenya, circa 1989.