What is ethical tourism?

Ethical tourism means thinking about the impact of your actions as a tourist on the environment, the local people, and the local economy.

At Safari Spirit Adventures, our mission is to operate sustainable, ethical tours that benefit the local communities and in so doing, help to protect wild places for future generations to visit and enjoy. As our company grows, we will continuously explore ways to have a greater positive impact on the communities and countries we visit.


Creating stakeholders

In East Africa, there are initiatives to involve local communities in the tourism industry, so that they reap benefits from living peacefully alongside wildlife. This strategy creates an incentive for local people to want to protect wild areas. The goal is for profits from tourism to directly benefit the local communities that it impacts rather than money staying in the hands of large companies, corporations, and local governments. At Safari Spirit Adventures, we believe in supporting these initiatives to position local communities as stakeholders in protecting endangered species and threatened wilderness areas.


Employing Locals

At Safari Spirit Adventures, we feel it is important to employ local guides, who in turn are well-educated on the issues of ethical tourism and conservation. Our guides have worked hard for years to gain the expertise they possess. They are well-versed on topics of environmentalism, sustainability, conservation, and responsible and ethical tourism.

Respecting local culture

Appreciating and respecting the local culture is inherent to our company. At Safari Spirit Adventures, we look forward to connecting our clients to the authentic culture, whether it be through trying local food, visiting a Masai village, or getting a taste of more urban culture. We want our guests to come away with a deeper appreciation for the beauty of diversity.


Giving Back

We want our tours to make a difference. That’s why we have chosen to partner with Pack for a Purpose and we encourage our clients to help us support this initiative by bringing some small items to donate on their trip. A list of needed items can be found on the Pack for a Purpose website listed under your destination. We are working on organizing additional initiatives to give back.

Travel with a Purpose!

Your trip helps support wildlife conservation, protect endangered species, and boost the local economy where many people still have to survive on less than $ 1.90 per day, which is the international poverty line.